
Devices contain details about modems and other communication hardware associated with a Source or Workspace.

Device Attributes

Consumers of Devices should tolerate the addition of new attributes and variance in ordering of attributes with ease. Not all attributes appear in all contexts. It is generally safe to consider a nulled attribute, an empty set, and the absence of an attribute as the same thing.

Attribute Type Description
_class String Identifies resource type: io.eagle.models.device.*
_id ObjectId Unique identifier for this device
config Object Object containing device specific configuration
createdTime Time ISO8601 timestamp the device was created
deviceKey String IMEI or Unique identifier for this device
isConnected Boolean Flag to indicate if device is currently connected
lastConnected Time ISO8601 timestamp the device last established a connection
phoneNumber String Phone number associated with the device
software Object Object containing info about the current device software
workspaceId ObjectId Associated Workspace _id

Retrieve all devices

Retrieve a list of all devices available to the authenticated API key. Optionally filter by attribute values.


Argument Example Description
attr _id,phoneNumber Optional. Comma delimited list of attributes to include in response
filter isConnected($eq:true) Optional. Filter the records based on attribute value(s)
limit 100 Optional. Maximum number of records to be returned
skip 50 Optional. Skip the first n records returned. Can be used with limit to paginate results
sort createdTime(DESC) Optional. Comma delimited list of attributes to sort by. Optionally include sort direction in parentheses or default to ASC: [ASC, DESC]


GET /api/v1/devices


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
        "_class": "io.eagle.models.device.Device",
        "_id": "53ce0b6a0eba8dc46900000f",
        "createdTime": "2014-09-08T04:13:32.488Z",
        "deviceKey": "123456789012347",
        "isConnected": true,
        "lastConnected": null,
        "workspaceId": "536884ecb5a76fd5d3000014"
        "_class": "io.eagle.models.device.ScoutDevice",
        "_id": "541b8d46b94f051649012fae",
        "config": {
            "utcOffset": "+00:00",
            "simPin": "",
            "schedule": {
                "scheduleType": "SERVER",
                "statusIntervalSeconds": 600,
                "dataIntervalSeconds": 3600,
                "dataIntervalOffsetSeconds": -1
            "logLevel": "INFO",
            "interfaces": {
                "ETH0": {
                    "gateway": "",
                    "subnet": "",
                    "ipAddress": "",
                    "_class": "io.eagle.models.device.config.EthernetInterface"
                "COM1": {
                    "stopBits": 1,
                    "speed": 9600,
                    "rts": false,
                    "parity": "none",
                    "name": "UART1",
                    "dataBits": 8,
                    "cts": false,
                    "_class": "io.eagle.models.device.config.SerialInterface"
            "gpsEnabled": true,
            "connection": {
                "retryMax": 3,
                "retryDelaySeconds": 30,
                "port": 4331,
                "host": ""
            "apn": {
                "user": "",
                "pass": "",
                "host": ""
        "createdTime": "2014-09-08T05:24:15.461Z",
        "deviceKey": "123456789012313",
        "isConnected": false,
        "lastConnected": null,
        "phoneNumber": null,
        "software": {
            "appSentTime": null,
            "appVersion": null,
            "firmwareSentTime": null,
            "firmwareVersion": null,
            "bootloaderSentTime": null,
            "bootloaderVersion": null,
            "branch": "RELEASE"
        "workspaceId": "536884ecb5a76fd5d3000014"

Retrieve a device

Retrieve a device by its id.


Argument Example Description
attr _id,_class Optional. Comma delimited list of attributes to include in response


GET /api/v1/devices/:id


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    "_class": "io.eagle.models.device.Device",
    "_id": "53ce0b6a0eba8dc46900000f",
    "datasourceId": "541a45c1d07ac441473b0fc3",
    "deviceKey": "123456789012347",
    "isConnected": true,
    "lastConnected": null,
    "phoneNumber": "+61400000001",
    "software": {
        "appSentTime": null,
        "appVersion": "",
        "bootloaderSentTime": null,
        "bootloaderVersion": "SWI6200T_02.02.04.18BT",
        "branch": "RELEASE",
        "firmwareSentTime": null,
        "firmwareVersion": "FW_753_18.FX8Fx"
    "workspaceId": "536884ecb5a76fd5d3000014"
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