Smithtek Mako V2

The Smithtek Mako V2 is a compact, low-power LoRa (RF) PLC designed for reliable, smart and wireless operation in applications such as water treatment plants, power generation, environmental, and pumping systems. With its embedded LoRa antenna, it offers long-range connectivity up to 15 km and can run 24/7 on minimal solar backup. It can be configured to send data to in a few easy steps.


Source configuration

  1. Create a Data Source and select File as the Source Type. Choose JSON Time Series from the list and click Next.

  1. Select Publish to as the transport type. A unique MQTT Topic will be automatically generated per Data Source. The Topic will always start with io/eagle/source/, followed by a unique 3-word code, for example in the screenshot below the Topic is io/eagle/source/tail-chill-nic. Change the Authentication setting from None to CONNECT Message, and you will notice that the Username becomes the 3-word code. Enter a password in the Password field, and click Next.

  1. In the next step, check the box to Skip or Reset sample file and retrieve on next acquisition and click Apply.

  1. Complete the Data Source wizard by clicking Next, Next and Finish.
  2. Final configuration requires the device to send some sample data. The device can be configured in two different ways; to send data directly to (via a 4G dongle or WAN network), or using the PassPort Gateway over LoRa.
  3. Direct connection via a 4G dongle or WAN network:

6.1. Download the V-net software and install on your computer (Windows only).

6.2. Download the template from Smithtek technical support.

6.3. Over Wifi, connect your Mako V2 to a local USB 4G dongle or a WAN network. Enter the Wifi SSID and Pass credentials.

6.4. Connect your physical sensors to the Mako V2 and within V-net software wire these sensors reading to the JTS form component.

6.5. Upload the program.

  1. Connection using the PassPort Gateway over LoRa:

7.1. The PassPort Gateway can communicate with multiple Makos over long distances. This kind of system is very useful in locations with no mobile signal but has some form of fixed WAN network, like Starlink or NBN Sky Muster. It can also be used to minimize the need for multiple mobile SIMs, keeping your communications costs down.

7.2. Configure the Mako to send and receive data over its LoRa antenna within the V-net configuration software. Connect wires between single or arrays of sensors. Data formats can be binary packets, raw JSON data or some custom protocol.

7.3. In the LoRa properties, make sure your LoRa RF settings are the same on each device.

7.4. Start the PassPort Gateway and follow the connection guidelines to access the NodeRED editor and secure your instance.

7.5. Within the NodeRED editor, select the dedicated nodes or the MQTT nodes

7.6. To configure the Smithtek nodes follow these instructions

  1. Once sample data has been sent, final configuration of data series can be performed by right-clicking the Data Source in the Workspace tree, and choosing Properties. Then click the Series tab, where data series’ can be associated with Parameters.